Wednesday, August 4, 2010


After the twins were born we decided for Cobb to have a vasectomy, for the simple fact it was less recovery time and things compared to a hysterectomy.  Well last Wednesday I had the hysterectomy.  Not for the fact we are apparently very fertile, but I have had alot of female problems for the last 13 years.  It was just time to get it over with since we were not planning on having anymore children.

It wasn't as bad as you would think it would be.  I stayed overnight at Wesley Medical Center and was home Thursday.  I had some discomfort but nothing too major.  I feel great, almost like nothing has ever happened.  Well other than the fact that I can't drive for 2 weeks, no picking up my children for 6 weeks, and going crazy because I can't clean my house.  Don't get me wrong my mom and Cobb are doing a good job it just isn't MY clean so it is driving me a little crazy.

So if you are faced with the decision and you are unclear I say go for it.  I just hope you are not as OCD as I am about cleaning and having to be still without dointg much of anything for a few weeks.

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