Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Meet the Thompson's

My cousin Shannon has FINALLY talked me into starting a blog, and since it is called Just the 6 of Us I would give you our family story.

I met my wonderful husband John (aka Cobb) in 2002, we were engaged Sept. 20, 2003, and married May 1, 2004.  On June 10, 2004 we found out I was 10 weeks pregnant.

On January 31, 2005 we welcomed Johnathin "Pacey" Thompson to our family.

So I become a mom of 1 and go to work with him in tow.

Fastforward: On September 16, 2007 we find out I am pregnant with baby number 2.  So on May 9, 2008 we welcomed Talynn Kailene Thompson to our family.

In August of 2008 I went to have an umbilical hernia removed and some cysts in my bladder removed.  Well that didn't happen because I was told I was pregnat and they could not do my surgery.  I was depressed and in bed for about 2 weeks.  I go to my first doctor's appointment for an ultrasound and the lady says there is baby A and there is baby B. What?!?!?!? I couldn't believe what I heard one was a surprise but two was a HUGE surprise. 
So on May 15, 2009 we welcomed Baby A (a girl) Keagan Renee', and Baby B (a boy) Brayden Wilson to our expanding family.

Their first picture together
Brayden had to stay in the NICU for two weeks and Keagan came on home. They were four weeks early.

I worked full time until January 2010 when we made the decision for me to stay home with the twins, but Pacey and Talynn continue to go to pre-school for now.
So now you have met the Thompson family and got the history.  I hope you enjoy reading about us in the future.

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