Monday, August 9, 2010

First Day of Big School

My little man Pacey started his first day of Kindergarten this morning.  He was all excited.  Last night we packed his lunch box, fixed his snack, and made blueberry muffins for breakfast.
When he woke up this morning he got all dressed and ready to go, and the whole time I had my camera taking pictures. (will post them later) We leave to take Talynn to pre-school since I was taking Pacey, and poor thing cried when she realized he was not staying with her (I want my my my Pacey).  He got a little nervous at that point, but away we went.
We pull up to the school and I could have just started crying right then, but I held it back.  He was so sweet and held my hand the whole way to his room asking if I was going to cry.  When we arrived at his room we found his name and he sat down and I told him I was leaving. Again asking me if I was going to cry (which I almost did) I could tell he was a little nervous, so I didn't, he gave me 5 kisses and 3 hugs and I left. Yes I just left my baby sitting there all dressed up at his table in a classroom at big school.  And no I didn't cry when I got to the car either. 
The whole day I wondered what he was doing and if he was having fun.  Then came time to pick him up and he hardly says anything about his day. Except, "We only took a nap for like 10 minutes and at Ms V's we took a nap for 100 minutes" Oh and there was "I don't want to be a car rider mom, I just want ot be a bus rider." I don't even get to take in the fact he is in Kindergarten much less let him on a school bus.  So tomorrow he is going to be riding the school bus home.  Only because we know the driver and he will not be on it that long before being dropped off.
After getting his snack ready for tomorrow I had the pleasure of filling out the packet of papers he brought home again.  They have already sent home a letter about yearbooks, how crazy is that?
Well we shall see how it goes tomorrow, the first day seemed pretty good.

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