Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Little Girls Beware!!!!

Yesterday Pacey and I were sitting at the table practicing his letters for school when he looks at me with a serious look and this was the conversation:
P: Mom I have to tell you something
Me: (Not knowing what to expect) What is it?
P: Today on the playground this little girl kept chasing me and wouldn't stop.
Me: Why was she chasing you?
P: I don't know but she wouldn't stop. And then she kissed me FOR REAL!  (Now embarrassed) She was chasing all the boys I was playing with trying to kiss them.
Me: Pacey you don't let little girls kiss on you it will get you sick.
Pacey: I don't know her name, and mom she can't even speak English!

So I tried explaining to him he can get sick from kissing on little girls and not let them do it anymore.  What are we teaching little girls? At 5 they arrre now chasing little boys and kissing them.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Weekend

 It started with Cobb going to the doctor Friday to find out he had strep throat, and was contagious for a few days.  Meaning I had 2 birthday parties Saturday, presents to go buy, and groceries, plus all the normal things to deal with alone.  We made it through to Sunday night and the septic tank messes up.  How wonderful!  Now we have to be careful until the new one can be installed this weekend.  So all the grass I have worked so hard on to get growing in the last 2 years will mostly be dug up.  I can't wait!  It sometimes seems just when you think everything will be okay for a few days something else happens.  Oh and Keagan has had a cold for over a week and we are heading to the doctor in the morning.  Hope everyone has had a great Monday!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Keagan and her twin brother Brayden were born 4 weeks early, and he was in the NICU for 2 weeks before we brought home.  They sent us to the Rehabilitation Department at Wesley Medical Center for his NICU check up to make sure he was on schedule for his age and adjusted age, and they decided to look at Keagan to make sure she was also.  Well he was fine, but she was developmentally delayed.  They set up an appointment with the Early Intervention Program (which is WONDERFUL by the way).  We have a service coordinator that come once a week and a physical therapist that also comes once a week.  Without this I would have found a way to help my child, but they have been a true blessing. 
As a mother you just know when things are not right with your child, and it started early with her.  The first 2 weeks we were at the doctor at least everyday because she would not eat or gain weight.  After a few months I told the doctor something was not right, and I guess he thought what everyone else thought, just because she was small I was being over protective.  The light bulb finally went off and he decided to do something. 
We have been to a neurologist, geneticist, and cardiologist.  She is now 15 months old and we still have no answers. EKG, EEG, Echo cardiogram (4), chromosome testing (all normal), and a variety of genetic tests.  She was tested for maroteaux-lamy syndrome which came back above average , but in a normal range.  I still don't understand how that happens.
She has had episodes where she has turned pale, no color whatsoever, and goes limp. They couldn't figure out why. And now her hands, feet, mouth, and nose turn white to blue to purple then back again.  Still no explanation for that except it could possibly be Raynauds Disease. 
She has a heart murmur (PFO now an ASD).  Three echo cardiograms have been done to keep a check on it and we were referred to a Pediatric Cardiologist.  The appointment was this past Friday.  Up until then everyone has said her heart was fine and they would just watch it to make sure it hasn't changed any, and she could live a normal life with it.  The doctor we seen said something completely different than that. He told us that her murmur did not sound like a small thing and decided to do another echo.  He measured her murmur and said it was bigger than any of the reports had said, he found the right side was bigger, and that she had fluid.  He is in the process of making us an appointment with a surgeon, because he says it needs to be fixed with an umbrella.  Not something I wanted to hear, but I can accept it if it needs to be done.
The thing I don't understand why none of the past echos have not brought up any of these issues.  It is just frustrating that it took this long for these issues to be addressed by someone, especially when she has had three previous echos and they all said it was a normal heart.
The only person who is a true advocate for your child is their parent because if we don't speak up for them no one will.
Sorry for going everywhere with this post and venting a little, but I just wrote it as it came.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

First Week of School

I know I haven't blogged in a few days so I will update you on  the week.
Pacey made it through his first week of school without getting in trouble, and that is awesome.  I am waiting for him to bring a note home saying he talks too much or too loud. YAY for green all week long.
His favorite thing about school he says is riding the school bus.  I have not figured out how a child could enjoy the school bus that much, especially Tuesday (his first experience) I asked him how he liked it and he replies, "It was 4000 degrees on that bus." "So are you ready for me to pick you up tomorrow," I asked. "No I have 5 friends on there and I am going to ride it everyday." That was always the last thing I wanted to do when I was in school was ride the nasty, stinking, smelly, hot bus.  Yes I was spoiled and was dropped off and picked up everyday. 
Well for him the afternoon ride was not enough he wants to ride in the mornings also.  At drop off Thursday I told the bus driver he wanted to ride in the morning, and she said she would come pick him up on Friday.  He was soo excited and wanting to go stand outside at 6:30 a.m., the bus doesn't run until 6:55 a.m. or so.  He got into watching cartoons and I was looking out for the bus to come down the road, and told Pacey she was coming.  He ran out the door to the driveway and she passed right on by, the look on his face was priceless.  And yes she turned around to pick him up.
Breakfast at school was also discovered.  I don't remember lunch and breakfast being so expensive when I was in school. Lunch is $2.50 and breakfast is $1.75.
I just hope continues to enjoy school like this for a while.

Monday, August 9, 2010

First Day of Big School

My little man Pacey started his first day of Kindergarten this morning.  He was all excited.  Last night we packed his lunch box, fixed his snack, and made blueberry muffins for breakfast.
When he woke up this morning he got all dressed and ready to go, and the whole time I had my camera taking pictures. (will post them later) We leave to take Talynn to pre-school since I was taking Pacey, and poor thing cried when she realized he was not staying with her (I want my my my Pacey).  He got a little nervous at that point, but away we went.
We pull up to the school and I could have just started crying right then, but I held it back.  He was so sweet and held my hand the whole way to his room asking if I was going to cry.  When we arrived at his room we found his name and he sat down and I told him I was leaving. Again asking me if I was going to cry (which I almost did) I could tell he was a little nervous, so I didn't, he gave me 5 kisses and 3 hugs and I left. Yes I just left my baby sitting there all dressed up at his table in a classroom at big school.  And no I didn't cry when I got to the car either. 
The whole day I wondered what he was doing and if he was having fun.  Then came time to pick him up and he hardly says anything about his day. Except, "We only took a nap for like 10 minutes and at Ms V's we took a nap for 100 minutes" Oh and there was "I don't want to be a car rider mom, I just want ot be a bus rider." I don't even get to take in the fact he is in Kindergarten much less let him on a school bus.  So tomorrow he is going to be riding the school bus home.  Only because we know the driver and he will not be on it that long before being dropped off.
After getting his snack ready for tomorrow I had the pleasure of filling out the packet of papers he brought home again.  They have already sent home a letter about yearbooks, how crazy is that?
Well we shall see how it goes tomorrow, the first day seemed pretty good.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kindergarten Jumpstart

My Lil' Man is starting Kindergarten on Monday, man how time flies.  Today I took him to the school to meet his teacher and see his classroom.  He way too excited for me, but I will be okay.

Yesterday I was telling him all about what was going to happen today, and he has this nervous habit that drives me absolutely insane...he sniffs his fingers.  He used to twirl the top of his hair and it stuck up like Alf Alfa (sp).  So he is doing this while I am telling him all about today, you know go meet your teacher, see your classroom, and take your supplies.  Pacey informs me that tomorrow is not Monday it is Thursday, and continues his habit.  I finally got him to tell me what was wrong and he thought I was going to leave him at school today and pick him up Monday afternoon.  I have no clue where he got that from, but he finally calmed down ans was excited again.

I picked him up from pre-school early where he had to pull out all of his supplies to show Mrs. V.  We go to the shcool and get everything put away, teacher met.  It wasn't the teacher I was hoping for, but I have heard good things about her.  I just hope he has a good time and doesn't get bored with it to easily. 

Guess we will see how it goes on Monday and I don't cry to much.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


After the twins were born we decided for Cobb to have a vasectomy, for the simple fact it was less recovery time and things compared to a hysterectomy.  Well last Wednesday I had the hysterectomy.  Not for the fact we are apparently very fertile, but I have had alot of female problems for the last 13 years.  It was just time to get it over with since we were not planning on having anymore children.

It wasn't as bad as you would think it would be.  I stayed overnight at Wesley Medical Center and was home Thursday.  I had some discomfort but nothing too major.  I feel great, almost like nothing has ever happened.  Well other than the fact that I can't drive for 2 weeks, no picking up my children for 6 weeks, and going crazy because I can't clean my house.  Don't get me wrong my mom and Cobb are doing a good job it just isn't MY clean so it is driving me a little crazy.

So if you are faced with the decision and you are unclear I say go for it.  I just hope you are not as OCD as I am about cleaning and having to be still without dointg much of anything for a few weeks.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Meet the Thompson's

My cousin Shannon has FINALLY talked me into starting a blog, and since it is called Just the 6 of Us I would give you our family story.

I met my wonderful husband John (aka Cobb) in 2002, we were engaged Sept. 20, 2003, and married May 1, 2004.  On June 10, 2004 we found out I was 10 weeks pregnant.

On January 31, 2005 we welcomed Johnathin "Pacey" Thompson to our family.

So I become a mom of 1 and go to work with him in tow.

Fastforward: On September 16, 2007 we find out I am pregnant with baby number 2.  So on May 9, 2008 we welcomed Talynn Kailene Thompson to our family.

In August of 2008 I went to have an umbilical hernia removed and some cysts in my bladder removed.  Well that didn't happen because I was told I was pregnat and they could not do my surgery.  I was depressed and in bed for about 2 weeks.  I go to my first doctor's appointment for an ultrasound and the lady says there is baby A and there is baby B. What?!?!?!? I couldn't believe what I heard one was a surprise but two was a HUGE surprise. 
So on May 15, 2009 we welcomed Baby A (a girl) Keagan Renee', and Baby B (a boy) Brayden Wilson to our expanding family.

Their first picture together
Brayden had to stay in the NICU for two weeks and Keagan came on home. They were four weeks early.

I worked full time until January 2010 when we made the decision for me to stay home with the twins, but Pacey and Talynn continue to go to pre-school for now.
So now you have met the Thompson family and got the history.  I hope you enjoy reading about us in the future.