Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kindergarten Jumpstart

My Lil' Man is starting Kindergarten on Monday, man how time flies.  Today I took him to the school to meet his teacher and see his classroom.  He way too excited for me, but I will be okay.

Yesterday I was telling him all about what was going to happen today, and he has this nervous habit that drives me absolutely insane...he sniffs his fingers.  He used to twirl the top of his hair and it stuck up like Alf Alfa (sp).  So he is doing this while I am telling him all about today, you know go meet your teacher, see your classroom, and take your supplies.  Pacey informs me that tomorrow is not Monday it is Thursday, and continues his habit.  I finally got him to tell me what was wrong and he thought I was going to leave him at school today and pick him up Monday afternoon.  I have no clue where he got that from, but he finally calmed down ans was excited again.

I picked him up from pre-school early where he had to pull out all of his supplies to show Mrs. V.  We go to the shcool and get everything put away, teacher met.  It wasn't the teacher I was hoping for, but I have heard good things about her.  I just hope he has a good time and doesn't get bored with it to easily. 

Guess we will see how it goes on Monday and I don't cry to much.

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